Pineapple Kesari Bath

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Pineapple Kesari Bath


Cooking Time

Preparation Time :30 Min

Cook Time : 20 Min

Total Time : 50 Min


Serves : 3
  • 1 cup of pre roasted rava or samolina ,1/4 cup of finely chopped pineapple,1 cup of sugar,,2 cup of boiling water,3/4 cup of milk with kesar ,,1 cup of desi ghee


  • Take pressure cooker add ghee once it's hot then add pineapple and fry it for some time then add sugar and water and pressure cook till three whistle then keep it aside,Next step is take a wok add ghee once it's hot then add pre roasted samolina and mix everything then add boiling water let everything cook together and add sugar and cooked pineapple from pressure cooker and pre ghee roasted dry fruits and milk with kesar mix everything let everything cook with lid on its ready in short time